Garlic Scape Pickle
We are in love with Atina Foods’ deliciously crunchy, Good Food Award–winning Garlic Scape Pickle. For the new batch of this super-popular collaboration (it sold out quickly last year!), they used Bird’s Eye Chilis, a small but powerful chili grown by our partner farmer cooperative in Tanzania, along with local garlic scapes from upstate New York and Atina’s blend of spices. This year’s scape batch has a sweet chili kick!
These pickles are a true salt ferment, with no added vinegar or water, retaining their delicious crunch throughout the fermentation process, giving them a sweet finish! Try them on eggs, bagels and cream cheese, mashed potatoes, pizza, in a tuna salad, on a charcuterie plate or anywhere you’d use capers.
Garlic Scapes are the flowering stem of the hard neck garlic, the kind of garlic grown mainly in the Northeast, as hard neck garlic is hand-sown. The long curly scapes are picked in order for the garlic bulb to grow big, some tossed in the field and some available in the market for a short time. They are a secondary crop to the storable garlic, which needs no refrigeration. Upon surveying garlic farmers in the Northeast, Atina Foods found that nearly 70% of scapes go to waste. How much pesto can a person make?
Atina Foods is proud to work with and preserve these marginalized vegetables.Â